Tips for everything


Thursday 15 April 2010

Blogging Tips - WordPress Or Blogger?
WordPress or Blogger? That is the question. Okay, it's no "to be or not to be" but it'll do for the purpose of this article. Lot of people ask me which they should use. Does it matter? Some think that one is better than the other. Well, I figured that I'd give you the straight deal on these two blogging platforms and then let you decide for yourself which is better. I'm going to try to be as objective about this as I can.
Let's start with what I feel is really the most important aspect of these two platforms...and it has nothing to do with the physical aspects of either. Truth is, with Blogger, you're restricted to using it on THEIR domain. In other words, you don't really own the blog. You're just renting space. This can be a problem in two ways.
First, as it's not your site (not really) Blogger can yank it out from under you at any time. So, if they don't like what you're promoting or think you're running a spam blog, you can lose it faster than you can say "Bob's your uncle." Personally, I don't like being at the mercy of somebody when it comes to my blogging platform.
Aside from that, you're limited to the URLs you can choose for your blog. With Blogger, you're on their domain and nothing is going to change that. With WordPress, you can get your own hosting and your own domain and place the blog on it...thus optimizing your domain keywords as much as possible. This is a big advantage of WordPress over Blogger.
But what about functionality? Well, to be honest, you CAN do a lot more with WordPress. The number of plugins are off the charts. However, for a simple blog, Blogger does a more than adequate job. So if you don't want all the hassles of installation and plugin management, Blogger will be fine.
However, the question that people most often ask is this. "Which one ranks better?" This is where you are going to be in for quite a surprise. Truth is, I've seen Blogger blogs that end up as the number one search result over at Google. If you want to be technical about this, it really doesn't matter which one you go with. How well you rank will depend more on the keywords you choose and the niche you're in than the blogging platform itself.
So there you have it...WordPress versus Blogger. Personally, I'll go with WordPress if I want a specific domain and really want to optimize the blog fully. But if I'm putting something together for quick traffic and don't want any expenses, I'll use Blogger.
In other depends on what you're using the blog for.


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