Tips for everything


Wednesday 14 April 2010

New WordPress Blogger
Are you a new WordPress blogger and you don't know where to start? I was in your position and I will try to help you as much as I can.
First of all, before you start blogging, I suggest you customize your blog. To do that, considering you are a new blogger, it will take you sometime. While you are customizing your blog, you don't want search engines to crawl it so I advise you first to create a file "robots.txt" and write the following code:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
Then upload it to the folder containing WordPress (using ftp). That way you will have all the time needed to finish the customization of your blog. When you finish, you remove that file.
Now, you can choose a theme of your choice (in your admin panel, choose appearance -> add new themes). You will be provided with some search options to help you choose the one you like.
After choosing a theme, I suggest you install some plugins (in your admin panel, choose plugins -> add new). Some must have (in my opinion) plugins are:
All in one seo: This plugin has some seo options for your blog.
Google XML sitemaps: It creates a sitemap for you and it automatically notifies Google.
You can also try to search some plugins that you need and experiment. If you plan to use Google AdSense, you can try "AdSense now!". It's a very simple plugin that automatically import ads in your posts.
Now, you can delete the robots.txt file you uploaded earlier and start blogging.
Good luck with your new blog!


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